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How to Analyze and Evaluate Unstructured Data

How to Analyze and Evaluate Unstructured Data

In a perfect world, an organization would neatly organize and store all of the data it gathers into boxes, categories, columns, and labels. But the reality is far from perfect. Unstructured data typically makes up a sizable portion of the information available online, including search results, photos, social media posts, emails, presentations, and audio and video content.

Consequently, the question is: How can you make sense of unstructured data? It’s not as difficult or convoluted as it seems. Having a data management platform, such as the one you can get by clicking here, is one method.

How to Analyze and Evaluate Unstructured Data

The analysis and fusion of the data with its more structured equivalent require you to bear a few factors in mind as well. .

Determine your goal

The first step in evaluating unstructured data is defining your objective. There’s a considerable possibility you won’t find it if you don’t know what you’re looking for. After all, not every piece of information will be beneficial or result in the desired result. For instance, organizations and businesses looking to gauge social media sentiment must first determine whether the tweets or comments are positive or negative. specific hashtags or words associated with the product or service in question must be taken into account.

Identify the source of the data

When analyzing unstructured data, it’s also important to take the information’s source into account. You must choose sources that are pertinent to the data you’re after – nothing that is only loosely related to it — including but not limited to customer evaluations, online comments, and any other information from the devices. If you don’t, there’s a good possibility that the results’ quality will suffer. Because of this, if evaluating unstructured data, you must always determine where the information came from.

Choose a method of analysis

You can start choosing how you want to organize your unstructured data and convert it into identifiable information once the goals and data sources have been determined.  While neutral is 0, the latter may be a +1 and the former a -1. As a result, the analysis of the score is based on the numerically structured text summaries rather than the text, including determining if the majority of postings are positive or negative.


In the end, unstructured data analysis and evaluation are crucial for all businesses, regardless of the industry. With the information of these suggestions, you’ll be able to comprehend the data better, implement a digital transformation, and create far wiser business selections.


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